Snapp! Change Destination Feature


Snapp! is known as the Uber of Iran with more than 2 million rides per day and 30 million users. The company is the largest and fastest growing internet company in the Middle East.
Change destination is a feature that enables users to change where they are going when their ride has already started and the driver has accepted the ride request

My Role

Based on the number of complaints, I prioritized the problems to bring them to the product roadmap. Changing destinations mid-trip was one of the major ones. In order to get some insight, I conducted a survey and began working with the Product Manager.

In addition, I worked alongside Client and Backend Developers and our Call Center members.

Problem Statement

Every day ~2K of the calls to our Call Center (CC) were about users wanting to change their destination. Based on the number of calls, we decided to conduct a survey.

The survey revealed that 14% of the rides requested a change of destination mid-trip based on the results. Among them, 30% used one of our Ride Options, which was adding a Second Destination, 26% negotiated with the driver, 20% stayed put and completed their ride, 9% asked the drivers but they wouldn't change their destination, and 7% called CC.

Pie chart showing survery results


With the Change Destination feature, we came up with a way to meet our users' needs. As a first step, we benchmarked international ride hailing applications, drew the flow, and defined the touchpoints.

Wireframe images


After finishing the flow and having an overall understanding of what the vision was, I started designing. Once the iterations were complete, we had a meeting with our development team to see if there were any tradeoffs or constraints.

Pie chart showing survery results

Final Design

We chose these designs based on the insights gathered from the survey. Since most of our users added second destination from the Ride Options, adding this feature there would be noticeable when they used it.
In the second case, we were showing the addresses to users, so it was natural that they may want to change it from there.

Final design touchpoints

Final Design in Flow

Final design in flow images


The daily usage, conversion rate, and reduction of CC calls were the metrics we used to measure the success of this feature. Up to now, 2% of our daily rides are using Change Destination, our conversion rate is over 70%, and our CC calls has reduced by approximately 40%.

Final design touchpoints